Xcel Energy Partners with Evie Carshare

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Xcel Energy has made a commitment of “driving toward an electric future” in the communities it serves. For over a decade, HOURCAR has teamed up with Xcel Energy to offer clean transportation options to the Twin Cities. In 2011, Xcel Energy helped HOURCAR add the first plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to our fleet. More recently, Xcel Energy contributed to the installation of the EV Spot Network charging stations and is an official sponsor of Evie Community Carshare.

Electric Vehicle Driving for All

As part of Xcel Energy’s vision for a zero-emissions future that leads to cleaner air for all, Xcel Energy’s aim is to enable equal opportunities for all populations to drive electric. Evie Carshare gives Xcel Energy’s customers access to affordable electric vehicles and for community neighborhoods to enjoy the environmental benefits with more electric drivers on the road.

A Bright Future

Part of the EV Spot Network, Evie Carshare launched in May 2022 as America’s largest 100% renewably-powered, municipally-owned, free-floating, all-electric carshare service. Growing to provide over 170 shared vehicles in communities across Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Evie is here to make the air cleaner, the community closer, and the future even brighter.

Evie Carshare 2026 Equity Target Goals:


Total Use by BIPOC Members

Our goal is to increase access to electric vehicles in Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) neighborhoods. To help achieve this goal, all new members are emailed a census along with their approval notification. From time to time, we also email members who haven’t completed the census for their data. 

Data received is held privately and is not shared publically. So if you receive an email to complete, please do so. 


Total Use by Very Low-Income Members

Very low-income members are defined by those who self-certify during their application process for meeting the Access PLUS certification requirements. Those who choose the Access PLUS plan but haven’t self-certified are asked to complete a form or are transferred off of the Access PLUS plan. 


Total Use by Very-Low BIPOC Members

This data is the combination of the other two goals. HOURCAR, operator of Evie Carshare, compiles data and releases it annually to the cities of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.

Any/all private information provided in the census is private and is not shared. 

Xcel Energy supports efforts to increase access to electric vehicles in underserved communities. Xcel has been a key partner in the development of the EV Spot Network and Evie Carshare, and we’re thrilled to continue on future endeavors. 

Updated Plans & Pricing
Effective March 4, 2024

We’re simplifying our plans and updating pricing for both HOURCAR and Evie Carshare services. Changes begin on March 4, 2025.