Evie Carshare App Updates: V18.3

Evie Carshare App White Background

For our newest app update, we’ve added a Radar Function to the app. Additionally, all estimated trip costs will now be based on your current mobility plan, not the Backup Plan. 

Note: These features were only available in the Beta App until the new app is released on October 7, 2024.

Evie Carshare: Radar Function

The Radar Function alerts you when there is an Evie nearby. You can schedule it ahead of time or leave it active for up to 24 hours. A notification will be sent to your phone to let you know when a car is within your preferred walking distance. 

1. Select the three dots on the top right corner

2. Select “Set a radar”

3. Set your preferred location by entering the address or positioning the pin on the map. Since you can select a time in the future, this could be a future location such as a baseball game, concert venue, or your in-office day.

     •Select your preferred vehicle type in orange; the Chevy Bolt and Nissan Leaf Plus have the most range capacity if you need the car for a longer trip. 

3. Choose your time preferences for available vehicles. The “Now” toggle sets the time to any vehicle available. 

     • Choose a duration that you want the radar to be active, up to 24 hours long. 

     • Adjust the search radius for how far you’re willing to walk to pick up an Evie. 

4. Confirm your choices. The final screen is a verification of the information you selected. Once verified, select “Set Radar”. You’ll see a radar icon displayed at the location identified in Step 3. 

5. Once the Radius Function is active, you’ll see the area turn pink. This lets you know that the function is active and searching for an available Evie. 

6. You’ll receive a push notification once an Evie is available on your phone. Make sure you have notifications selected for the Evie Carshare App on your smartphone. 

7. Open the app, reserve your Evie of choice, and have a great trip! 

Trip Pricing by Mobility Plan

More Transparent Pricing

Trip pricing in the app now calculates your cost based on your mobility plan. On Evie trips, you’ll see the savings offered by your plan when compared to the Backup Plan. On HOURCAR trips, you’ll see your mobility plans pricing when you book your vehicle. 

Join the Beta App

Get the Newest Features

Wondering what’s cooking at HOURCAR? Keep up with our newest app developments by opting in to our Beta App. 

For those unaware of what a Beta App is, it’s a testing environment for our newest features and updates. You can unsubscribe from the Beta App at anytime by downloading the regular Evie Carshare App in your app store. 

This app will replace your current app and give you access to some of the newest features under development. If you find any issues with the app or have feedback, let us know here

Download the app – Android 

  1. Uninstall the current Evie Carshare app from your device
  2. Go to this link that takes you to the Play Store
  3. Scroll down until you see “Join the Beta”, and follow the prompts to join. If you don’t see this, please reach out to us.
  4. Wait for your enrollment to process. This may take 15 –30 minutes.
  5. Once the enrollment is complete and you are part of the beta app, download the app to your device. This app will show up with the name “Evie Carshare (Beta)”  

For screenshots and more detailed download instructions, follow this link.  

Download the app – iPhone 

  1. Go to this link
  2. If you do not have Test Flight, follow the prompts on the screen to download Test Flight.
  3. Once Test Flight is on your phone, you’ll see “Evie Carshare” listed under Apps. Click on the app for more info or click “Accept” to accept the invitation to download the beta app and begin testing.
  4. Once the app is installed, you should see your Evie Carshare app has been replaced with the Evie Carshare app with a yellow dot next to the app icon. 

Updated Plans & Pricing
Effective March 4, 2024

We’re simplifying our plans and updating pricing for both HOURCAR and Evie Carshare services. Changes begin on March 4, 2025.