Begin a trip with the app or Metro Transit GoTo Card. When you arrive to the car, do a quick inspection to make sure the inside and outside are good and clean.  Double check the range to make sure you have enough miles available for your trip. Drive where you need and end your trip in an approved parking space. Pay only for the time you have the car and leave the rest to us! 

General Info

Sign Up

Joining Evie is easy. Sign up with your mobile phone or computer and we’ll process your application within 1-3  business days.

Priced Right

Evie trips are automatically billed by the minute, with a hourly and daily discount. One monthly membership fee covers both Evie and HOURCAR services. 


Park for free at meters with a time limit of 2 hours or greater within the Home Area or any other approved on-street parallel parking space. Dive into more info about parking here. 

Via App

Begin a Trip

We’ll hold the car for 15 minutes while you walk to it. Upon your arrival, start your trip, hop in, and begin your trip.  The app is your key – all Evie’s are keyless. Put the car in gear and you’re off!

Perform a Stopover

Performing a Stopover is essential for almost any trip where you have to run an errand. Start a Stopover and lock the doors by selecting “pause” in the app.

End a Trip

Park in an approved parking space in the Home Area and gather all of your belongings. Select the “End Trip” button and wait for the doors to lock. Once the car is secure, you’re good to go!

Via GoTo Card

Begin a Trip

Unlock your Evie by holding your GoTo card against the GoTo reader. The card may take up to 7 seconds as it reserves the car and unlocks it for you. 

Perform a Stopover

Tap your GoTo card on the reader. Once the doors lock and the reader shows a yellow light, the car is in Stopover mode. Tap again for the car to unlock and resume your trip.  

End a Trip

Park in an approved spot and gather all of your belongings. Hold your GoTo card over the reader for up to 5 seconds. Your trip is completed once the car locks and the GoTo reader blinks green.


Check the Range

Open the app and select your vehicle of choice. Upon selection, you will see the proposed range available.  If you don’t have the app, you can see the range available on the dashboard or by giving us a call.


Fossil fuels are so … old. All Evie’s are powered on renewable electric energy. If you’re out and about, use the Evie Carshare App to locate nearby green EV Spot Charging stations. End your trip with the Evie charging and you’ll get a $4 Drive Credit towards a future trip. 

Report Damage

Help us keep nice things nice. This means reporting poor condition or damage to us. This can be done on the app before or during your trip, by sending us an email, or by giving us a call.

Apply Drive Credit

Whether you found us at an event or did something awesome to deserve it, adding promotional credit to your account is easy. To add credit, go to App > Menu > Credits, or click to apply the code online here

Refer a Friend

Being a trend-setter couldn’t be easier. To refer a friend, go to App > Menu > Refer a Friend. Your friend will get $25 Drive Credit when they apply and you’ll get $25 Drive Credit once they take their first trip. Easy peasy! 

In-Car Tips for Trips Guide

All Evie vehicles have in-car how-to guides located in the driver-side door of each car. The guides include photos and information to help you start/pause/end your trip, charge up, and where to park.

Take a sneak peak: Chevy Bolt & Nissan Leaf

Updated Plans & Pricing
Effective March 4, 2024

We’re simplifying our plans and updating pricing for both HOURCAR and Evie Carshare services. Changes begin on March 4, 2025.