Parking During a Snow Emergency

Evie Driving in Winter

Where can I end a trip during a Snow Emergency? The answer depends on which city you are driving in.

When a Snow Emergency has been declared in the Evie Carshare Home Area, parking restrictions are effective immediately in both Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Effective at the time of member communications, all trips must follow the Snow Emergency rules in the city of declaration. 

Snow Emergencies are active for 3 days in Minneapolis and up to 5 days in Saint Paul. Get notified when a Snow Emergency is declared below. 

Minneapolis (+UMN):

Saint Paul:


Day #1: Announcement through 8 AM the next day:

  • NO parking on Snow Emergency Routes. This means do NOT park or end trips on blue-signed streets or if the street is labeled as a “Snow Emergency Route”. If the Snow Emergency Route is clear and fully plowed, you can end your trip there.
  • YES please end trips on the ODD side of non-emergency routes (streets with green and brown signs). This saves us one day of relocations, tickets, and tows.

Day #2: 8 AM – 8 PM:

  • NO parking on EVEN sides of green or brown-signed streets.
  • YES please end trips on the ODD side of non-emergency routes (green or brown-signed streets) and return to ending on Snow Emergency Routes (blue-signed streets, including Downtown.)

Day #3: 8 AM – 8 PM:

  • NO parking on ODD sides of green or brown-signed streets.
  • YES: End trips on the EVEN side of non-emergency routes and continue to park on Snow Emergency Routes (blue-signed streets, mostly downtown).

Get info at or call 612-348-SNOW or on the Minneapolis Snow Emergency App.

Saint Paul:

Night Plow Routes: Announcement through 8 AM the next day: 

No parking on Night Plow Routes. Routes are signed “Night Plow Route” or “Night Plow Route This Side of Street”, which includes the north-bound side of all north/south streets are arterial streets. All downtown streets are Night Plow Routes, though signs may not be posted. Parking is banned on each Night Plow Route until the street is fully plowed.

Day Plow Routes: 8 AM – 5 PM, up to 96 hours after declaration.

Plowing begins after Night Plow Routes, typically at 8 AM. Day Plow Routes are NOT SIGNED. Parking is typically allowed on one side of north/south residential streets and both sides of arterials (main streets) and downtown.

Get info at or call 651-266-PLOW

In Both Cities:

You can resume parking once the street is cleared and fully plowed from curb to curb.

FREE Drive Credit:

Get a $10 Drive Credit for each Evie moved off a Snow Emergency Route.

To claim: email [email protected], subject “Snow Relo”, with the license plate, date, and time that you moved the car, as well as the location you moved it from and where you moved it to. All requests will be reviewed within 5 business days after the completion of the Snow Emergency and Drive Credit is valid for 60 days after application.

We do not refund trip costs associated with the relocation. We advise members to use discretion on how long it may take to move a car from the deep snow. Drive Credit is offered as a form of trip reimbursement and goodwill when relocating a vehicle. The maximum credit earned is $10 per vehicle relocated per day of the emergency.

Snow Emergency FAQ's:

Members are responsible for the vehicle if it is parked in a restricted area during a Snow Emergency. However, if the trip was ended before a Snow Emergency was declared, the last user is not responsible for any tickets related to the Snow Emergency.

After a street is fully plowed, feel free to end trips there if Snow Emergency parking rules are still in effect. “Fully plowed” means that the street is completely cleared and plowed to the full width of that side of the street, curb to curb. Plows may come through more than once for plowing and maintenance, so make sure that it is fully plowed before parking.

Off-street Evie Spaces are located throughout the Home Area. Any trip can begin or end in these spaces, no matter what the Snow Emergency status is.

Evie is currently entirely comprised of 100% 2021 Chevrolet Bolt’s. Each Bolt comes with all-season self-healing tires and has an ice scraper located inside of the vehicle. Traction control may automatically engage in deeper snow, as well as anti-lock brakes. In-car how-to guides are located in the driver’s side door to help along the way.

If your Evie is charging, begin the trip (unlock the doors), remove the charger and plug the handle into the EV Spot Charging station. Close the charging door on the car, hop in and be on your way. On-street charging locations are not exempt from a Snow Emergency and, therefore, vehicles charging must be moved. If you live near an EV Spot that is effected by a Snow Emergency with multiple cars charging, consider it a jackpot and relocate for $10 Drive Credit per vehicle.

Updated Plans & Pricing
Effective March 4, 2024

We’re simplifying our plans and updating pricing for both HOURCAR and Evie Carshare services. Changes begin on March 4, 2025.